Previous maths lessons

8/5 3D Shapes

Design and make a letterbox so that you can write and send letters to your family members. What 3D shapes did you use to make your letterbox? Take a photo and send to your teacher.


Are some 3Dshapes better to use than others when making a letterbox?

7/5 3D Shapes

Mrs Perry used three rolling objects, four boxes and one cone to build something. What do you think her construction might look like?

Use suitable 3D objects to make the construction, take a photo and send to your teacher. If you can’t find all the materials, draw what you think the construction would look like (in 3D of course).

Enabler: Make a construction using any 3D objects that you find around the house, names the shapes.

Extender: List the number of faces, edges and vertices that your shapes have.

5/5 3D Shapes

I traced around one of the faces of an object. The shape I drew was a circle. What might the object have been?

List all the possible 3D shapes.

Enabler: What is a 3D shape that has a square shape as one of its faces?

Extender: Have a go at drawing some of the 3D shapes you have listed.

4/5 3D Shape

Find 3 objects in your home that you think are examples of the 3D shapes shown here. Take a photo of your objects and send it to your teacher.

Enabler: Find 1 cube, 1 sphere, 1 cylinder and 1 rectangular prism in your home. Take a photo and send it to your teacher.

Extender: What was the easiest 3D shape to find? Why was it easy? What was the hardest 3D shape to find? Why was it hard?

30/4 2D Shapes

Mrs Perry sorted these shapes into two groups. What might the two groups have been?

Enabler: Show one way of sorting the shapes into two groups.

Extender: Show all the ways that you could sort the shapes into two groups. Explain your thinking.

1/5 2D Shapes

Can you draw a picture using only circles and squares?

Draw a picture to share with your class.

28/4 2D Shapes

Describe a 2D shape to a family member. Describe the shape, but without naming it, so that the other person can draw it.

Enabler: Have a family member describe a shape (without naming it) for you to draw. Can you name the shape?

Extender: Challenge yourself to successfully describe 5 shapes to your family member.

2D Shape Week 3

27/4 2D Shapes

Learning Intention:

Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes


24/4 Fractions

Please Join Miss Monk for another lesson on fractions. Please read the Enabler Task and the Extender Task below.

fractions s3.MOV

23/4 Fractions

Join Mrs Perry for another lesson on fractions. Please read below the Enabler Task and the Extender Task.

  • How many ways can you divide a square into quarters?

  • Trace or use a ruler to draw some squares (about 5cm x 5cm in size) in your book, show how many different ways you can divide the square into quarters. Remember, each of the four parts needs to be equal.

Enabler Task:

  • Show 2 ways that you can cut a square into quarters (4 equal parts).

Extender Task:

  • Challenge yourself with a more difficult shape eg a triangle, a kite, or an oval.

  • Have a go at explaining why some shapes were harder than others to divide into quarters.

  • Draw some shapes in your book. If you were to cut these shapes into two equal parts (halves), what might they look like?

  • Draw 5 shapes in your book and divide each shape into two equal parts (halves).

  • What would these shapes look like if they were cut into four equal parts (quarters)? Draw the same shapes cut into quarters.

  • What would these shapes look like if they were cut into eight equal parts (eighths)? Draw the same shapes cut into eighths.

Enabler Task: Draw 5 shapes in your book and divide each shape into two equal parts (halves).

Extender Task: Have a go at dividing some shapes into equal parts that are odd numbers. For example, 5 equal parts, 7 equal parts or 9 equal parts.

fractions s2.MOV

21/4 Fractions

Join Miss Monk as we learn more about halves

20/4 Fractions

Join Mrs Perry as we begin to learn about fractions.

-Half of the members of a family have red hair, what might a drawing of the family look like?

- In your book, draw a family where half of that family have red hair. Now draw 5 more different families where half of the family members have red hair.

- If you are ready to push yourself, draw a family where one-quarter of the family have red hair.

- Try drawing a family where one-eighth of the family has red hair.

Enabler Task: Draw 10 people, show that half have red hair.

Extender Task: Do you need to have 8 or more people in a family to be able to show that one-eighth have red hair? Explain your thinking


17/4 Money

Join Mrs Perry as we discuss Australian notes.

  • I have exactly $100 in my pocket, what notes might I have? List all the note combinations.

Maths Day

16/4 Money

Join Mrs Perry as we work on making change.

  • If you went to a shop and bought an orange for 85c, how much change would you get if you paid with a $2 coin?

  • Now show how much change you would get if you bought something for





Maths lesson 1

15/4 Money

Join Mrs Perry as we make different amounts of money using coins.

Holiday money activity

  • Take a shopping catalogue

  • Find the most and least expensive items, how do you know that you are right? Explain your thinking to someone.

  • Cut out 5 items from the catalogue and stick them down. Next to each item, draw or write about the coins required to pay for the item.

Miss Gestrin, Mrs Perry, Mrs Gill, Mrs Turner, Miss Monk & Miss Smith