Previous Reading Lessons

15/5 Text - Self Connections

Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning how to make Text-Self Connections. Mrs Turner and Mrs Gill have read stories to you and demonstrated how to write up their T-S Connections. You have listened to read-alouds and then practiced writing up your T-S Connections to the read-alouds. Today, you are going to choose your own book and a T-S connection that you made when reading that book.

Learning Intention

To make a T-S connection and explain how this helps with understanding the text


  1. Read independently for 20 minutes. As you read use sticky notes or pieces of paper to mark any T-S connections you can make.

  2. Choose any of the T-S connections you have made over the last 2 weeks (that are marked with sticky notes/paper).

  3. Write up your T-S connection in your book using the 3 parts that are written in the template.

    • The part of the book you connected to

    • What your connection was

    • How the connection helps you understand the story

14/5 Text-Self Connections

Today you will watch a read along with the Read aloud Owl Babies. First think about what you already know about owls and write or tell someone this is to help turn on your Schema. Then you will read the story twice and when you have made a connection pause on that page. Record the thinking you have done using the graphic organiser or write neatly in your Remote learning book.

Finally, make sure you read for twenty minutes today and mark in your own book where you have made some connections. Tomorrow Mrs. Gill will ask you to use these connections in some reading work.

Learning Intention

We are learning Where we have made a T-S connection, What the connection is and how the connection helps us understand what we read.


  1. Turn on your schema about Owls. Before we start write or tell someone all you know about Owls.

  2. Read along with the Read aloud Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.

  3. Read the story again and stop where you have made a connection. You could use the thinking stems to help if you are stuck.

  4. You can watch the video by Mrs Turner for a model of what you will do if you want some extra help or ideas.


12/5 T-S Connections

Today you will watch Mrs Turner reading the given text, Planet Mess and see how she has recorded a text to self connection. She will show you how it has helped her understand the text.

You will then read Planet Mess on your own and make your own connection and then record your thinking about this connection in your workbook, like Mrs Turner.

Learning Intention

We are learning to make a T-S connection using a given text


  1. Watch the video by Mrs Turner modelling how she has made a T-S connection using Planet Mess as a text.

You will see how she has recorded her thinking in the Remote Learning workbook. Or you can use the graph

  1. Click on the link and Read Planet Mess by yourself.

Find Where you made a connection in the text. What your connection is and How this connection helps you understand more about the characters or things that happen in the story.

  1. Record your thinking in your remote learning book or print the graphic organiser linked.

4.Read independently for 20minutes. Put sticky notes or pieces of paper in your reading book to mark any T-S Connections that you make whilst you are reading.


11/5 Text to Self Connections

Today we are continuing to make Text-Self Connections. Last week you learned what a Text-Self Connection is, today you are going to learn how Text-Self Connections can help us understand the text.

Learning Intention

To identify a T-S Connection and explain how this helps with understanding the text.


  1. Watch Mrs Gill’s video on Text-Self Connections.

  2. Use the template to complete your own Text-Self Connection to the book ‘Owen’. It may be the same connection that you made last week or it may be different.

  3. Read independently for 20minutes. Put sticky notes or pieces of paper in your reading book to mark any T-S Connections that you make whilst you are reading.

8/5 Reading Making Text to Self Connections

Learning Intention

We are practicing finding connections with a text to self to help us understand what we read.

Today you will be re -reading some of the book you have been working on this week

In this lesson you have been asked to find a Text to Self connection you made during the week.

Then you will be asked to record the connection using a thinking stem to help, in your remote learning book.

A thinking stem is simply the start of a sentence to help you word your connection correctly.

Eg This reminded me of…… or I remember when……..There are more examples in the lesson Instructions for you to use.


Read the instructions on the document and follow the steps given.

7/5 Reading Making Text to Self Connections Lesson 3

Today you will read and listen to The Magic Beach by Alison Lester.

During the viewing think about when you have been to the beach. Think about the things you saw or did there to help you connect to the text.

After watching the story you will need to find a part of the story where you connected and think about what your connections was.

Then you will draw a picture of your connection and write a short sentence explaining your thinking.

Learning Intention -

To find a text to self connection from a given book.

Instructions -

Watch the Read aloud clip

Find a place in the text to make a connection

Draw and wite a sentence explaining your thinking about the Text to self connection.


5/5 Making Connections

Making Text - Self Connections

This week we are learning how to make connections to what we read. Today we are learning about text-self connections.

  1. Watch the video which includes a read-aloud by Mrs Gill.

  2. Write in your book what a T-S connection is (Mrs Gill will tell you in the video).

  3. Make a T-S connection to the read-aloud.

  4. In your book, draw a picture of your T-S connection and then write about it.

  5. Read independently for 20 minutes. If you can make a T-S connection when doing your independent reading, put a sticky note or piece of paper to mark the page.

4/5 Making Connections

We are learning what our schema is and how it will help us understand what we read.

In reading, Our unit of work, for the next few weeks, will be about Making Connections.

Watch the video explaining schema and how we will use it to make connections to what we read.

We will learn how important it is to turn on our prior knowledge to help with understanding the text. Using Schema helps readers make connections so it is important they understand what their prior knowledge (Schema) is.

  1. View video

  2. Make a heading in workbook for the topic PETS.

  3. Write down as much as you can, telling us about PETS.

All your experiences, any memories, important facts you might know about caring for a pet.

  1. Read independently for twenty minutes. Practice fluent reading out aloud for part of this reading time.


1/5 Fluency

We have been learning all about the different areas of fluency: pausing; phrasing; stress; rate; and intonation (tone). Today is our last lesson on fluency.

Today we are putting all of the areas of fluency together to make a fun play using sock puppets!

  1. Watch Mrs Gill’s video.

  2. Make up a short play/conversation between two characters. Your characters need to have different voices and it should sound interesting because you are thinking about the different areas of fluency.

  3. Make 2 sock puppets. Your sock puppets can be as complicated or simple as you want them to be. They could just be 2 socks that you put on your hands and use to perform your play (they don’t even have to have eyes!). The play is the important part - not the sock puppets!

  4. Have fun performing your short play and if possible take a video of it for your teacher to enjoy.

  5. Don’t forget to do 20 minutes of independent reading.

Fluency Tone 30/4
Sesame Street Video Clip for Fluency - Tone .MOV

30/4 Fluency

Focus: We are learning what tone is when reading fluently and we are practising using tone when reading.

Watch the video Fluency-Tone by Mrs Turner.

Watch the Sesame Street video clip to give you some tips on how to use tone and expression when reading fluently.

Choose one of the Two part poems from the folder.

Read through and decide what tone each character should have and then practise reading using that tone for expressing the character in the poem.

My Dog My Boy .pdf

My Dog, My Boy

Passing in the Night.pdf

Passing in the Night



The Man in the Moon .pdf

The Man in the Moon

Reading Fluency Rate Wk 3 .mov

28/4 Fluency

Our Focus in Reading this week is to continue learning about the different areas of Fluency.

Today we are learning what rate is and how to use the correct rate as we read fluently.

1.Watch the introduction video for rate to find out what it is and how to use it when reading fluently.

Mrs Turner will model this for you.

  1. Click on the second video by Mrs Gill who will explain the Independent reading task.

During this task you will practice reading with a good rate to help you with understanding what you read.

  1. Remember to read independently for at least 20 minutes from your book bag or books from home.

FLUENCY. Stress wk 3 .mov

27/4 Fluency

Our Focus in Reading this week is to continue learning about the different areas of Fluency.

Today we are learnng what stress is when reading fluently and practising how to use it.

  1. Watch the first introduction video explaining Stress.

Mrs Turner will model when to use stress as you read fluently.

  1. Watch the second video with Mrs Gill explaining your Independent reading task today.

You will be using the Boom cards. Click the link to find these.

  1. Remember to read independently for at least 20 minutes from your book bag or books from home.

24/4 Fluency - Phrasing

Join Mrs Gill as you work on noticing phrasing.

23/4 Fluency - Phrasing

Join Mrs Gill for your next Reading lesson. Watch the video first and then you will need to use the link below to access the Fluency Scooping Boom Cards.

Fluency Phrasing Lesson 2. .mov


Fluency-Phrasing Lesson 2.

In this reading Lesson you will be reading a poem with Mrs Turner and practising where to find phrases. The learning intention : We are noticing where phrases are in a text and practising how to read in using phrases.



17/4 Fluency

Reading Day 2.mp4

16/4 FLUENCY/Pausing

Join Mrs Gill to learn about pausing and why it helps with our comprehension and making our reading sound better to others.

reading lesson

15/4 Fluency

Join Mrs Turner for our first session on fluency in reading.

Watch the video and complete your work in your 'Remote Learning' book.